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Biene fliegt
sunflowerHACK schriftzug

The floweriest meat substitute made from the power of the sunflower


Our organic sunflowerHACK is a true nutrient package: high protein and fiber contenthigh content of B vitamins and includes all essential amino acids. The sunflowerHACK is free from allergens, gluten and soy. We get them raw material from Europe and put that sunflowerHACK in Germany.

sunflowerHACK SonnenblumenHack Einzelpackung

To soak or not to soak..that is the question!

the preparation is simple: no mixing and no soaking necessary (but possible). The sunflowerHACK can be sprinkled into the finished sauce or marinated and steamed with onions to taste. Please note: the sunflowerHACK absorbs 2-3 times the amount of liquid.

Bolognese Gabel


You need:

  • 76 g sunflowerHACK

  • Spice mix sunflowerBOLO

  • 1 can of tomatoes

  • 1 onion

  • sunflowerFAMILY organic olive oil

  • 500ml of water

  • fresh basil


That is how it goes:

  1. Dice the onion and sauté in oil. Add can of tomatoes.

  2. Add 500 ml water, spice mixture and sunflower HACK, stir, bring to the boil. Taste, done.

  3. Add some olive oil and decorate with fresh basil and serve with spaghetti.


Bon Appetite!



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